- Science - Nanomatériaux - Technologies -
- Énergies Renouvelables -
Entrepreneur and Projects manager
20 years' experience in R&D and innovation
Expert in nanomaterials and materials science, renewable energy
Multidisciplinary knowledge in electrochemistry, physics, engineering; with great scientific curiosity
Easily integrates new scientific knowledge, technology, IT and management
Significant skills to analyze, understand, solve, innovate
Versatile, autonomous, intuitive, persevering, team spirit
Very good computer knowledge
Windows, Office, OriginLab, ...
Computer (installation, configuration, repair)
Web, social networks
Bilingual French-English
"The best scientist is open to experience
and it's begin with romance
- The idea that anything is possible. "
Ray Bradbury
Nanomaterials - Electrocatalysts
Microporous Carbones, nanotubes, graphene, metallic nanoparticles, ...
Production by chemical, electrochemical, mechanical alloying or heat treatment methods.
Surface analysis methods such as spectroscopy, microscopy (XPS, BET, ToF-SIMS, TEM) ...
Electrochemical analysis methods (voltammetry, impedance ...)
Renewable energy
Fuel cell, lithium-ion battery, catalysts, membranes, bipolar plates
42 scientific articles, 10 with more than 100 citations, including 2 in prestigious journals (Science and Nature Communication) (http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-5729-2009)
Polymer Science
Analytical Chemistry
Powder Compaction
Microsoft Office
Acquisition and easy understanding of new software
Field of knowledge
Project Manager | Research and Development
Develop R&D projects; establish experimental systems and testing procedures.
Analyze, evaluate data.
Writing scientific papers and reports.
Prepare grant applications and reports such as PSVT, I2I, Engage ...
Administration Management
Collaborate with the business plan and market analysis for starting a business.
Participate in the management of intellectual property, patent applications.
Writing technical reports for R&D tax credits.
Manage the laboratory; buy, repair, IT asset management.
Participate in Board of Directors.
Ensure the technical relationship with large companies, employees and various universities worldwide.
Training | Supervision
Ensure and implement the application of health and safety rules.
Supervise and train students (master and doctoral) and postdoctoral staff.
IT Management
IT management (setting up, recovery, data backup, ...).
Social networks.