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Nov 2017 - Now

PRIMA Québec
Director - Programs & International Collaborations


By acting as a privileged contact for the development of advanced materials, at PRIMA Québec, I can help you
- find partners or expertise by leveraging our knowledge and trust with the research and innovation ecosystem;
- validate the financial arrangements for the research projects you wish to submit;
- refer you to other sources of additional funding.


Sept 2015 - Now

Om Signature
Consultant, responsable IT et logistique


Business development consultant and social media

Responsible and implementation of all the logistics and computer systems Om Signature

logo OM Signature


Sept 1998 - Mar 2003

Ph.D. in Material Science and Energy

Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS-EMT)

Thesis: "Étude de catalyseurs à base de métaux non nobles pour la réduction de l’oxygène en pile à combustible à électrolyte polymère".

My work was related to the production of iron-based catalysts supported on carbon black for oxygen reduction in PEM. In my thesis, I was able to determine the chemical structure of the catalytic site using the ToF-SIMS. I have determined different possible structures for the catalytic site, allowing a better understanding of the catalyst to improve its activity and stability.

2000 to 2001 : Secretary of the student association.

1999 to 2000 : Vice-president of the student association.

logo INRS

Sept 2016 - Oct 2017

Institut National de la Recheche
Research Associate

Part-time researcher Professor Shuhui Sun for catalysts based on non-noble metals for the reduction of oxygen in fuel cells.

logo INRS

Sept 2016 - Dec 2016


I give the course of CHI-2423 : Electrochemistry


May 2010 - July 2015

Canetique Electrocatalyst Inc
Vice-President R&D | Cofounder

Co-founder, manager and member of the board of the company, Canetique is a spin-off of the research group of Dodelet professor at INRS-EMT based on non-precious metals catalysts. This group is a world leader in this field.

The company was incubated at INRS,  the mission was to develop and market the products of the two patents of INRS on catalysts for oxygen reduction. The company has raised more than 1.5 million in grants and investments.


I have managed the R&D on non-noble metal catalysts, write technical reports for R&D credits and be responsible for the technical relationship with customers.

I participated in the development, implementation and participation in several university-business collaborations (PSVT, I2I, Engage) and collaboration between enterprises.



  • Starting and managing the company.

  • Increased knowledge on the operation of the catalytic site.

  • Improved catalyst stability.

  • Increased knowledge on the mechanisms of instabilities.

  • Meet the grant objectives

Logo Canetique

Sept 1996 - June 1998

Engineer in Material Science


Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgique


Graduation study : "Étude sur l'influence du support (noir de carbone) de catalyseurs de cathode pour pile à combustible à électrolyte polymère".

  • Specialization in surface analysis technique especially the Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (ToF-SIMS).

  • Polymer Science

  • Metallurgy

logo UCL

Sept 1991 - June 1996

Degree in Applied Physics

Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgique

Graduation study : "Application des diodes lasers en métrologie interférométrique".

1995 to 1997 : Student representative at the Physics Department.

logo UCL

Jan 2005 - Mar. 2011

Institut National de la Recherche (INRS-EMT)
Research Associate

Researcher for the Professor Jean-Pol Dodelet as part of the NSERC-General Motors Industrial Research Chair on the study of non-noble catalysts for the reduction of oxygen for the fuel cell proton exchange.

My research was to find ways to increase the catalytic activity of these catalysts and to understand why there is a degradation of the catalytic activity. This work led to important publications in the field.

In addition to my research, I was responsible for the daily management of the laboratory (lab supervisor, ordering products, repairs) and assistance for supervision of students (Masters and PhD).



  • Improved knowledge of the structure, activity, power and stability of the catalyst.

  • Find catalysts that can compete with platinum.

  • important scientific recognition of the work by important scientists (Gasteiger, H. A. and N. Markovic Science 324 (5923), 48-49 (2009))

  • One 100 2009 discovery by Discover Magazine and one of the 10 2009 by Québec Science discoveries.

  • Person of the Week (23 August 2010) by La Presse - Radio Canada.


Mar. 2003 - Dec. 2004

Institut des Matériaux Industriels (IMI-NRC)

Development of a method for manufacturing bipolar plates for polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEM).


This method consists of using the compaction of the powder to make bipolar plate with graphite powder compaction mixed with phenolic resins. The plaques obtained were then heated to cross link the resin.

With this method, the bipolar plates are easy to manufacture at low cost and thus reducing the overall cost of a fuel cell

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